
Skater Wolf

Stay frosty

Sometimes, You Have To Take It.

People call me loco when I do it, but hey, I pull it off. What am I talking about you’re thinking? Oh, yeah, I’m Wolf, amateur long-boarder and I do some crazy shit on my board to get publicity sometimes. Does it make sense? Well, yeah! If I’m faced with a challenge, I take it, and I love the adrenaline. 
I was simply skating down a path at my college and I came across a tempting and extremely intimidating down hill course. See, it is one thing when you take a steep hill, however, what made this slope unique is its character. There were flawed pits randomly across the road every five feet. Those really get you, they can suddenly stop your board and leave you traveling mid air at the same velocity you were both happily traveling before. So, There were those, I know you think I’m crazy, it’s cool. Additionally, there was a speed bump, so that’s exciting. Nevertheless, I was confident I could take it. Oh, did I mention the sharp 90° turn at the end accompanied by a huge wall? This will be exciting. I decided I’m going to name this hill “Rocky, Oh My Gosh, There’s a 90 degree turn, Hill.” “Rocky 90” for short. Haha, suitable. 

I contemplated the song I would select for this adventure. Rock, metal? That’s too fuzzy, country? No the hill is too steep. Let’s see, here we go, Glass Animals- Gooey. Perfect, a smooth peanut butter, tippy, and fluid vibe. Just the counteract to the vibe of the road. 

Here I am, sitting at the top. Let’s do this. I breath deep. Kick twice and begin the journey of just another longboard adventure. I fought the seasoned road for about 20 yards, while increasing speed and hitting these asphalt divots. I distributed counter effects on my board to counteract the displacement these dips would cause. Intense shaking and rattling against my balance. I’m proud of myself by now, I look ahead, the speed bump is approaching, swiftly I apply back pressure to lift the front of my board up in order to overcome the speed bump. Now, I’m pretty much riding on my two back wheels, balancing and maneuvering against the dips. I hit the speed bump and reposition my feet, hitting about six inches of air, I stick my landing. 

Okay, now I became nervous, remember the wall? I’m riding at a faster speed then anticipated. As I came closer I broadened my stance and shifted my feet: forward foot a slight outward tilt and the back foot perpendicular to the board. I knew what I had to do. I hugged the outside of the turn, and I looked at the direction I wanted to go. This left turn can only be possible if I drift into it. 

I’m about ten feet away, I applied back pressure to my back foot and leaned back, my board began to slip from under me, I held it at a 20° angle, slightly not parallel from my shoulders. I only imagined, if this doesn’t work, I’m going to the hospital or flying through this concrete block wall, which was highly unlikely. Keeping my eyes open, I continue to hold my drift, looking left; my desired direction. 

Rocks were spitting out from under my wheels, vibrations from the grinding shot up my legs until they encountered my bent knee, purposely there to balance and absorb the shock.

I did it! The turn was defeated. I then had about 10 years of smooth riding on the new street I just turned on. With my arms up in the air, I said, “how amazing was that?” I knew I could accomplish it if I believed in myself. A splendid rush with a rewarding result. Till next time Rocky 90. Again: another one down and just another adventure told.

My Perspective of Longboarding

Longboarding is something else. There are people engaging in the sport all over the world now, and yes, I’m one of them. It’s such a relaxing, fun and social hobby. Everyone does longboarding differently, that’s the beauty of it. Simply the uniqueness. What I enjoy most is listening to music while I ride, it converts this sport of skating into a true destination. Not one where I just hang my hat or rest my board. The destination we all crave: happiness. I sway to the beats and feel the wind break against my chest like the emotions of the song reverberating through my heart. Freeing my mind. Winding and carving I let the music propel me forward. Please, travel to this sensation, I highly recommend it. Feel the gravel ripple under you, smell the local pizza shop pass by downtown, hear the cars honk and the birds chirp, but listen to the rhythm that takes you to your destination. The destination of  happiness. 

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